Friday, February 19, 2010

Rusted Chain Giveaway

I love this site Your Homebased Mom. I am not sure how I came across it, but I have tried out several of her wonderful ideas and LOVE them. She is featuring a wonderful shop right now and you can check it out right here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Little Late Perhaps...

I know I am not the first to make hair flowers, but since having my little girl in October I have been a bit inspired, both to make myself more feminine and make my girl even more adorable (as if htat could happen). So I finally hunkered down and FINISHED my first project since starting this blog. WAHOOO!!! Thanks DJ for helping me GET IT DONE!!

The big bows are obviously for me, the smaller for BOTH of us.

I will post a picture later with one on my daughter.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Sisters Cafe

I am loving all the recipes I find at The Sisters Cafe. Chinese Food always intemidates me... Don't know why, I mean I am like a foot taller than most that live in China...anyway check it out
Orange Chicken I am going to have to try it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Valentines Wreath

I found this wreath at The Idea Room and can't believe how much I want to do this project. But since Valentimes is a week away, I will have to make it next year or incorporate it with some other AWESOME decoration.