Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Car Wall Art

My son's room is all about TRANSPORTATION!! He loves anything that GOES. I found these cute paintings at TARGET, but could not afford their pricey-ness (they wanted 25 buckaroos for ONE... ya RIGHT), so I just made some myself. All in all I spent around $25 on both and have plans for more which won't cost me a thing because I have leftover material!!!
I have NEVER attempted to paint something so this was a bit of a learning experience. I used spunge brushes for most of it and the cars are stencils. Next time I will use some paint brushes and I am sure I will get a more precise look.
Soon I will take a picture of my sons FINISHED room so you can all see it and admire my craftiness.

Linking up to a couple of parties today!!!
Check them out
Life in the Pitts


  1. Whoa, those are CUTE! I didn't realize how big they are until the last picture. This is such a good idea.

    Thank you for linking this up to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  2. These are great. Really everyone should give painting a whirl. There isn't a right or wrong way. You see so little of this out here. Very refreshing.

  3. This is so cute and your first try at painting something!!! I love it.

  4. Wait. Hold on. Why didn't I know about this blog??
